Pet Health Certificates

U.S. and International Health Certificate

Our vets are USDA accredited to provide domestic and international health certificates.

Traveling abroad or domestically with your pet can be an exciting experience for both of you. However, ensuring that you have all the required documentation for your pet is necessary to make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible.

If you plan on traveling internationally with your pet, chances are you will need an international health certificate and an up-to-date vaccination certificate from an accredited veterinarian. Many airlines also request a health certificate and up-to-date vaccination record for domestic travel.

For international travel, we recommend that clients contact the country’s consulate office several months in advance of traveling to meet all the requirements, including having the correct documents, vaccinations, microchips, and bloodwork when necessary.

About Us

International Health Certificate Details

A health certificate is a formal document wherein a declaration is made by the signing veterinarian stating that the pet has been examined and deemed healthy and free of infectious disease. International health certificates should include the following information:

  • Pet name

  • Breed

  • Color

  • Age of pet

  • Unique identification, such as a tattoo or microchip when necessary

  • Up-to-date vaccination information

  • Name, address, and phone number of the pet owner

  • Place(s) of destination